Sunday, November 6, 2011

just a little

one of the biggest problems i have is that there is SO MUCH that i want to know, and there is just not enough time in the world for me to know all of it. so instead i watch tv...

well, the other day i remembered this brilliant series published by the oxford univeristy press:
very short introductions!

oh how i love these books! i own the ones on postmodernism and poststructuralism. and i can attest that although they are a short introduction, they are not a simple introduction... this shiz be thick, yo! i believe dad can say the same after wading through the modern art title.

these are brilliant in so many ways. one. there are a zillion titles to choose from! okay. not quite a zillion. i think there's just over 300. but more being published all the time! and the titles are all over the place! you wanna learn about kafka? sure! hinduism? okay! dinosaurs? chaos?! you betcha! or perhaps:

and then! also brilliant because they are BEAUTIFUL! what a fantastic and lovely idea for covers. i want the whole set and i want to fill one entire bookshelf just with them, and call it an art installation. sigh.

anyways. here are some titles i'm particularly interested in right now:

  in other news, my cold is getting a lot better and i feel almost like a real girl again. yesterday i did all the dishes and cleaned my bathroom! best. saturday. also i got new glasses this week that i'm mad crazy about. pictures soon.

1 comment:

Emma said...

Yeah! Right now I'm reading "Numbers." And, did you know that Charlie's supervisor wrote one?