OH NO! i'm in love with yoga...
i've avoided yoga for a long time. i dabbled a bit, in the youthful days of my undergraduate degree - doing a bit of sun salutation here and there - but i never let myself get into it. not really. because, well, i thought maybe it was a hippy activity. because. a lot of the people i know who are into yoga are a little... hippyish. you know. with the not showering enough. and the veganism. and the clothes made from the hemp.
i don't approve of those things. not in extremes, for sure. and also i worried it might be a bit mambi-pambi with the thinking about your feelings and thoughts and whatnot. gross.
but i quit running. and i had to do SOMETHING.
and now i'm addicted. i go to three different studios here in edinburgh. (i'm a yoga hussy. i yoga around...) thursdays is at the dance base. it's only an hour. and it's more relaxed. sort of like a casual date night at the bowl... with yoga. good times. some laughs. then sunday is a little more serious. with union yoga. it's like a good brunch at culina. sure, i have to get up early, and walk a ways, but it's worth it. because the whole day AND week are better because of it. and they have lilies there... and bamboo floors. then monday nights with bristo. it's a doing up your house all nice for a romantic night in. it's dark. and warm. it's a ton of work. you think - is this too much hassle? do i really FEEL like going to all this effort? but of course you do. feel like it. you are so happy that you did.
and it's not even flaky! this whole sport. the people who are really doing it? they're working real hard. and they're hecka fit. and i wanna be like them. and i might even like drinking coconut water sometimes. but i'm not gonna stop showering. sorry. no.