Saturday, February 4, 2012

flinty kind of woman

oh, come now. everybody knows that the straightest way into my heart is to employ a prairie motif. (insert joke about flatness of prairies and trains and straight paths...) sure, it's a little more western usa than saskatchewan canada, but it still pings on my insides. and then there's graphic prints and trees and orange too?

fine. akris. you've pulled it off. you're in. damn this emo prairie heart of mine. i want to go drive through a field now. and have a glass of rhubarb wine at the huderite colony. (although i'm gonna go ahead and say that wearing clothes like these to a huderite colony would probably be deemed bad form. good thing i can't afford any of them. but maybe the loooong grey coat...)

{pre-fall akris 2012, photos courtesy of akris by way of}

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