Sunday, April 1, 2012


purchase post! here's the final of the christmas-giftcard-purchases. from the jeff! fantastic art supplies for to make the drawings with. ink! remember inks? i do. i loved them back in the day. and then i forgot. but now i remember again. and also. a desk easel! because the one emma bought me way waaay back is in edmonton and needs some repair. and desk-easel technology has come a long way. and then i drew some stuff and things for to warm up my drawing muscles which are very much out of practise.


Ione said...

Birch trees... when will you be drawing me some birches?

Emma said...

Yes! Back to drawing! And all that! Next step: apply to a residency. Or two. Now is the time. Or, maybe as a second bday gift I'll just write up your application. Hey? I'll make up something good about portraiture and contemporary fashion and the fine lines of beauty, art and perspective...

Mel said...

I would help edit that, Emma.

.. can you write mine, too??