Friday, April 13, 2012


tra la la. i will never stop loving tavi genvinson. sorry! i won't! she's so much cool.

this comes at a good time, too, as sarah and i had a great little talk about tv and what happened to women on tv, yo? i'm talking mainstream tv. sarah is re-watching ally mcbeal. and she said she's floored how often they use the work 'feminism'. like. all the time. it isn't a dirty word or anything! and characters are shameful and embarrassed when they get it wrong. you know? when they DON'T get on board with the feminism. i cannot think of a show today that would dare do that. maybe maybe on hbo or showtime? maybe? can you think of any? on normal-tv? i can't.

what happened, dudes? another point on my 'sexism is back, worse, insidious, and we had better be aware' campaign. even from 15 years ago...

and here's a cool little thought piece. too. about tv. and wives.

*snp watches some 'real' housewives and thinks about beyoncé

happy friday, fighters. go rent some movies or tv shows from the 90's and feel empowered!

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