Wednesday, April 25, 2012



i am super super super excited about this particular buy. it hasn't even arrived yet, but i couldn't wait to write about it cause it looks soooooo good. oooof. i have been looking around for a truly awesome ipad case ever since i got a truly awesome ipad for my birthday. i wanted something exceptionally stylish (duh) but also functional. i had found lots that fit one of the other end of those needs. but not both. until...

{photos and ordered from hard graft}

tada! amazing, right? so lovely. felt and leather and greeeeeeyyyyyyyy. everything i love. soft and hard and utilitarian and detailed just so... i cannot wait to see it and hold it. oooof again and oooof once more. i'll let you know how it works on arrival. pumped.

1 comment:

Ione said...

Nicely matches one grey felt cape, custom made by Jose... but the cape is here and you are there.