Friday, August 17, 2012


i've barely been on the internets this week, and so i didn't really get my feminism on. but! i did meet some cool new chicks last night, and one of them posted an article on the facebook today! and how handy is that? it's about fashion AND feminism! i've only read the first half. but. so far so good. let's all read it together!

* fashion is a feminist issue

haaaappy weekend friends.


Emma said...

That is one of the best articles I've read in a while. Semiotics of style! I've been saying that all along, guys! (Girls. Guys and girls.) She makes some brilliant and fascinatingly-chockfulof-implications observations.

erin k h said...

come to toronto and meet the girl who posted it! she's great as is her taste in articles.

sarah-the-stylist always said something that i really love and believe in. that she tried to never judge a person on anything physical EXCEPT their style. because you cannot alter your height or your skin or the curve of your nose (well you can, but not really...) but you can always control what you put on. and what that says about you. you have complete power over that thing. yay fashion yay!!!