Sunday, August 19, 2012

she'll grow to love (the tender roses, lilies fair, the iris tall...)

i dreamed about shopping for planters and filling my balcony with a garden. so much green. (which is very on-point since i've been feeling shameful for not having done now that everyone i know is posting pictures of their tomatoes and zucchini on the internets...) so this feels like the right collection for this morning. (and i say 'this morning' knowing that it is after noon. because i let myself sleep in today. the kind of blurry hazy sleep in where you can't seem to crawl out of the blankets for hours and your one arm keeps going numb. fevered. so it is still morning to me. here with my coffee and eggs.)

{douglas hannant resort 2013, photos courtesy of douglas hannant by way of}

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