Tuesday, December 6, 2011


today is the day, 34 years ago, that my ma and my pa officially started the greatest family ever in the history of time. that sounds excessive, maybe, to some of you. but that's cause you haven't met us. we are unreal.

anyways. the family got a great start with the birth of the chris. 
the parentals, they didn't know yet that he was going to grow up to be a super cool and supportive big brother. they didn't know that he would be a crazy talented athlete. and they might have hoped, but couldn't have been sure, that he would one day build his own greatest-family starting with a tiny-human-man who would be, no jokes, the most awesomest baby born.

all they knew, then, was that he had a funny-shaped head. but they loved him anyways. and thank goodness for that. 

happy birthday big brother. thanks for everything ever.

{if you google image search brother's name, this comes up. a premonitional drawing made by some small pre-chris in scotland. he was born to love bikes...}


Anonymous said...

Thanks Sis!!!

Ione said...

From the look of that front wheel, somebody ran over it with a lawn mower. Not the best plan to have lawn mowers in Chris's bike shop.

Emma said...

It is true. What you said about the family.