Wednesday, January 30, 2013



were we? of course we were. don't be silly. have you ever read a word of this blog?

this. collection.


knocked the wind out of me. i was already teetering on the edge of something last night, and then there was this, and right over the edge, and shaking, and crying. that light. oh god. it is soul-chilling. aching in the bones light. end of the world all hope is lost light. how is that light even a thing?

{prefall gabriele colangelo 2013, photos courtesy of gabriele colangelo by way of}


I HAVE HICCUPS! talk (fashion) amongst yourselves... (that giant orange-brown-gold sweater and pleaty-tweedy skirt is all of the things i want to be wearing right now and unto eternity.)

{prefall sonia rykiel 2013, photos courtesy of sonia rykiel by way of}

{prefall jonathan saunders 2013, photos courtesy of jonathan saunders by way of}

Tuesday, January 29, 2013


WHY ARE THESE MODELS SO SCARY?!?! i am very scared of them. (as if models aren't just scary enough all on their own.)

{prefall cushnie et ochs 2013, photos courtesy of cushnie et ochs by way of}

{prefall honor 2013, photos courtsey of honor by way of}


today nothing fits. i went through 7 or 9 outfits before i left for work. it is a strange day where it isn't me, it is the clothes. (more often on these days the clothes are fine, it's me that's wrong.) i'll never understand how clothes can just suddenly one day be difficult. like someone snuck in in the night and changed them just the tiniest bit. like those shoe-cobbler elves. but. not fixing.

anyways. clothes.

 {prefall paul ka 2013, photos courtesy of paul ka by way of}

{prefall elizabeth & james 2013, photos courtesy of elizabeth & james by way of}


remember last week? the moodiest-of-moods week? ugh. groooosssssss. well so far this week is equally sleepy, but significantly less cranks. phew. 

last week was really getting my goat, ya know? bleh. here's some stuff that is wrong. but wrong in a good way rather than a 'whatisthedeal,moodbox?!' way. (hey emma! look at them shoes! in the first set? they're very you-shoes, no?)

{prefall issey miyake 2013, photos by estelle hanania courtesy of issey miyake by way of}

{prefall maison matin margiela 2013, photos courtesy of maison martin margiela by way of}