Monday, September 5, 2011

shine on

mel said she'd get mad at me if i didn't write a post about our pool party.

so mel, for you... here is a montage of hipstery photos of the most recent summertimes. since my return from edmo. good people and good food and good drink. this summer in toronto has been stellar.

mel, you are a very low maintenance friend. (jokes! get it? jokes on the internets!)


Emma said...

Man! How come:

1) I don't have a pool to party at?

2) It's never actually warmer than 16 degrees here, thus suggesting to all potential pool-builders not to bother?

Anonymous said...

fuck i feel like i've wasted the summer away working.

Mellie mooooo said...

ahhhh i just saw this!
i have a lot of thoughts:

-margene's already got her hallow's eve costume: spooooky spookerson!
- that other dog should NOT be drinking all that campari. you guys are bad dog owners.
- marc looks good reading the newspaper
- i would like you to send me the hipstery us walking away photo at the end, and also maybe the straw-in-my-mouth at the sam whatshisname coffee shop too.

