Sunday, December 14, 2008

in answer to your catholic question

today is the third sunday of advent.

at brunch this morning Travis asked why the advent candle for week three is pink instead of purple like the other ones. shamefully, none of us knew. so... wiki!

"Gaudete Sunday from the Latin word "rejoice." Gaudete Sunday anticipates the joy of the Christmas celebration, so its color is a mixture of Advent purple and Christmas white. It may also symbolize the color of early dawn."

now we know! although i have to say their colour theory is a bit weak. what happens when you add white to purple? you get pastel purple. NOT pink. sigh. the western christian church needs to go back to art school.

oh. and apparently the others are purple because purple represents royalty, and ol' j.c. is the prince o' peace. knowledge!


Emma said...

For real?! No offense, but that's a bit lamer than I expected. I don't know if Ian's going to be satisfied with that answer....

Anonymous said...

Ignore Emma's disgruntled reply. She forgot the S on reals. Clearly she's not to be trusted.